Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Classroom Management

Hello all you lovely people!

Today I observed as my teacher conducted a usual class, in order to find out what she does to maintain classroom control with her management skills.

Surprisingly, the class was very in control with themselves today and their focus level was better than any other day. This probably just had to do with the fact that it was a quiet day in their minds, but it was definitely nice. When they did their birthday books (where the students write individual notes to a birthday kid, later to be binded in a book), all the students wrote a longer amount that usual. This very likely could have to do with what my teacher did before setting them off to complete the task: modelling. She showed the students on the SmartBoard exactly what a good letter would say.

Another tool she used to keep the students engaged and thinking was when she told the students to turn to the person next to them and discuss what they might say in their birthday book. This way, they all prepared to do their books before even picking up a pencil to do so.

My teacher maintains her classroom very well. Some of the random things that I've noted from today, and have seen in the past, are as follows:

*) Congratulating the kids who are quiet right off the bat. Whenever all the kids sit on the carpet in front of my teacher, she points out the students who are acting in a proper manner without being told to. This way, the other kids look to be like them and act in higher standards in hopes of being praised

*) As a class, every morning after reading groups my teacher has the students read the daily schedule together. This way, everyone knows what the agenda for the day is in advance. This is helpful to avoid wasted time throughout the day when students are confused as to what their task is.

*) Having helpers pass out papers: this saves time for her, plus gives kids the moment of leadership. This also keeps the classroom running on more of a timely schedule and has things happen crisply.

*) Using a counting system: when she wants the kids to hurry and pack up their stuff, she has everyone count down/uptogether. So, sometimes it will be counting down from 10 to 1, and at one everyone is required to be in their seats or on the carpet. What's cool though is that she mixes it up. An example of this was counting to a dollar, by quarters. So, the kids all together said 25 cents, 50 cents, 75 cents, and then when they hit one dollar they all were seated. I found this very neat and engaging, as well as a great classroom management skill.

*) Another thing that happened today was my teacher having me read outloud the spelling words. This way, the students became not only used to another person teaching them, but she also got the time to look around the class and see who was on task, as well as being able to get a drink of water for her throat. I think that she really is good at utilizing her resources as a teacher, which is something that is VERY important for classroom management.

Anyway, my biggest questions mainly revolve around how it happens. Is there any way that one can train themselves to know the answers to questions. Also, how is it that my teacher avoids so much chit chat between the students? She manages her classroom so well that it looks easy...which is great for her, but doesn't really help me. Haha.

Hope everyone had a good time observing :)

1 comment:

  1. I like that your teacher has the students read the schedule out loud in the mornings so that they know exactly what to expect for the day. I think that is very important. Children also like to be told that they are doing a good job so I like that your teacher does that. Is your teacher a first year teacher or has she been there for a while? She seems to be very organized and knows what works and doesn't work. You are very lucky to have such a great teacher! I hope you learn a lot from her! :)
